Programs Available

Automobile, Homeowners, Dwelling Fire, Specialty Lines

Commission Rate

Auto – up to 12% New and Renewal
Home – up to 15% New and Renewal
Specialty Lines – Varies depending on product. Available upon Request

Market Availability

Years in the industry 5+ years
Years in agency 2+ years
Agency has a personal lines focus
Agency with established formal written business plan preferable
Agency management system in place
Active website, social media, and willingness to Travelers digital marketing adoption required
Commitment to offering certified mileage and paperless on all new business
Agency committed to using Travelers Customer Care Center (CCC) Program
Profitable with current carriers
Account rounded focus – minimum of 4+ policies a month with Travelers

Agency Agreement

The Travelers agency agreement is between Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and the carrier. When you agree to and e-sign the subproducer agreement during this application process, you also agree to the instructions, guidelines, policies, and procedures contained in the agency agreement. Contract will be provided after appointment approved by Travelers.