Gov. Brown Signs IIABCal’s Co-Sponsored E-Commerce Bill

SACRAMENTO, CA, Sept. 29, 2016 – Gov. Jerry Brown this week signed into law an E-Commerce bill, co-sponsored by IIABCal.

The bill, AB 2591 by Assemblyman Matt Dababneh, expands upon existing law to further authorize insurers selling automobile and property-casualty policies to provide electronic notices of cancellation, nonrenewal, offers of renewal, and other communications to consumers if the policyholder so chooses. 

The bill will also preserve existing consumer protections in the California Civil and Insurance Codes while reducing unnecessary paper waste.

“We were glad to see the California Legislature and Gov. Jerry Brown take the necessary steps that allows agents and brokers to respond to consumers’ growing expectations and demands for electronic transactions,” IIABCal CEO Clark Payan said. “Digital transactions are convenient and efficient and improve the insurance buying client experience.”  

Other co-sponsors of the bill included the Personal Insurance Federation of California, Pacific Association of Domestic Insurance Companies, American Insurance Association and the Association of California Insurance Companies.